Berkeley Castle Wedding Photography

As the years have rolled on with a life in photography, it has become more and more important that I’m not only capturing the day and telling the story for the immediate but also for the future. Showing our children our own wedding photos really helps me grasp where we were at that time and the journey’s we have been since. That value only increases with every year that passes.

Some locations that I find myself in as a photographer are so incredible that they leave a lasting affect on me. This is truly one of my favourite venues to shoot at and the amount of time, effort and attention to detail that Matt and Roxy had gone to in personalising the Castle created an amazing environment for their guests. This is what modern weddings are all about and I’ll always cherish this as a story teller! Let your personality shine through, there are no rules, let’s get creative!

Here are the highlights of one of my favourite winter weddings of all time. Tons of inspiration if you’re looking for a statement venue with an long, rich history!

Chris Johnson